The Campout SPL is responsible for Event Planning and Program activities. Submit your flyers early and file your Planning Document with the SPL. You may also consult Troop Committee Outdoor Activities Coordinator or Scoutmaster 5 weeks before your campout to get the necessary forms.
Have you completed Rank Advancement or Merit Badge Requirements and not received credit? Check with the Troop Committee Advancement Chair to find out why. Are you not advancing as quickly as you like, perhaps you are missing documents and dates. See your SPL and Scoutmaster to learn what you need to do to get your past completed requirements into Scoutbook.
Help your community by chipping in on a community project and be rewarded with service hour credits, increasing your Dave Dollar account balance, as well as helping fund Troop events. See your SPL for the next service opportunity and sign up. If there is not a leader designated, why not step up and make it happen yourself?
If you are interested in being a staff member for the Summer Camp season, you need to make sure you check the Summer Camp Staff webpage at